10 Smart Self-Care Tips to Avoid Stress and Increase Joy
The practice of self-initiated acts of kindness
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”- Robert J. Collier
Do you ever get so busy that you neglect to take care of yourself?
If so, you’re not alone. Many of us lead busy lives where we’re consumed with taking care of others and accustomed to putting their needs before ours. While compassion and caring are wonderful traits, too little self-care leaves us emotionally depleted, exhausted, and ultimately, not much good to anyone else — especially ourselves.
Here are several ways to make yourself a priority in your life.
1. Wake up early and with intention — how you start each day matters. Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace. If the idea of becoming a “morning person” is mind-boggling, a small tweak — avoiding the snooze button, can go a long way. Research has shown that early risers are more optimistic, conscientious, and anticipatory when it comes to problem-solving. Harvard biologist Christoph Randler discovered that early risers are more proactive and more likely to agree with statements like "I spend time identifying long-range goals for myself" and "I feel in charge of making things happen."
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Tags: stress intentions success self-care joy kindness peace optimism problem-solving proactive