20 Ways to Tell if Your Boss is a Psychopath
We know that there is a “dark side” to personality, but it turns out that there’s also a dark side to leadership.
Although many people commonly assume that all psychopaths end up in jail, it turns out that plenty of them wind up being successful- perhaps highly successful- in the workplace. The “psychopath in the boardroom” stops at nothing to get ahead, but manages to avoid getting caught by refraining from committing outright criminal acts.
The psychopathic boss, according to a team headed by Cynthia Mathieu, of the Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres, Canada (2014), engages in behaviors such as degrading and making fun of employees, lying and being deceptive, blaming others when things go wrong, and perhaps going so far as to harass and engage in physical aggression. This are the individuals most likely to engage in workplace bullying, but because they are the boss, they are likely to get away with it. The toxic environment that they create can lead, in turn, to poorer performance by employees, greater emotional distress, and spillover into conflict at home.
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