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Rio rio rioo

Rio rio rioo

Rio riay riayo

Rio riay riayo

Rio riay riayo

Rio riay riayo

Rio riay riayo riayo,

Riayo, riayo, riay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay

(Reggatta de Blanc - Police)

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Now we're getting nasty.

Everybody's talking about the kids

The kids got funky soul and groove emotion

But if you don't give the kids the chance to use it

They're always more than likely to abuse it

Everybody's talking about the kids

It's taking time for you to realise

Now hunger turns to anger in our eyes

I say the revolution will be televised

Yes it will, Gil

Everybody's talking about the kids

The kids needs space to get their heads in place

And every day this world we have to face

I just can't seem to find my proper place.

Kids get down

Stormy weather

Fifteen years of royal pleasure

Kids get down underground

Everybody dance to the funky sound.

Everybody's talking about the kids

It won't be long before we get our own

And every kid can truly feel at home

I told ya you should give the dog a bone

Everybody's talking about school

But I get more pleasure breakin' all the rules

Cos lesson one begins with "Life Is Cruel"

Well I guess I'm just an educated fool

Everybody's talking about the kids

Mom and Dad make efforts to excuse it

Government officials will confuse it

Members of the bench will try to prove it

You're going down sucker.

Everybody's talking about the kids now

Everybody's talking about the kids now

The kids got funky soul.

Kids get down

Stormy weather

Fifteen years of royal pleasure

Kids get down, celebrate

Now we're going to kick the thing we hate

Everybody's talking about high

But kids get high to satisfy

For reaching out to touch the sky

Is all I can identify, and you know why.

Kids get down

Stormy weather

Fifteen years of royal pleasure

Kids get down, celebrate

Now we're gonna kick the thing we hate

Kids get down, pressurized

To live the life that you devised

Kids get, celebrate

Life's too short to complicate.

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Giant steps are what you take

Walking on the moon

I hope my legs don't break

Walking on the moon

We could walk forever

Walking on the moon

We could live together

Walking on, walking on the moon

Walking back from your house

Walking on the moon

Walking back from your house

Walking on the moon

Feet they hardly touch the ground

Walking on the moon

My feet don't hardly make no sound

Walking on, walking on the moon

Some may say

I'm wishing my days away

No way

And if it's the price I pay

Some say

Tomorrow's another day

You stay

I may as well play

Giant steps are what you take

Walking on the moon

I hope my legs don't break

Walking on the moon

We could walk forever

Walking on the moon

We could be together

Walking on, walking on the moon

Some may say

I'm wishing my days away

No way

And if it's the price I pay

Some say

Tomorrow's another day

You stay

I may as well play

Keep it up, keep it up (ad infinitum)

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Do I stress you out?

My sweater is on backwards and inside out

And you say how appropriate

I don't want to dissect everything today

I don't mean to pick you apart you see

But I can't help it

There I go jumping before the gunshot has gone off

Slap me with a splintered ruler

And it would knock me to the floor if I wasn't there already

If only I could hunt the hunter

And all I really want is some patience

A way to calm the angry voice

And all I really want is deliverance

Do I wear you out

You must wonder why I'm so relentless and all strung out

I'm consumed by the chill of solitary

I'm like Estella

I like to reel it in and then spit it out

I'm frustrated by your apathy

And I am frightened by the corrupted ways of this land

If only I could meet the Maker

And I am fascinated by the spiritual man

I am humbled by his humble nature

What I wouldn't give to find a soulmate

Someone else to catch this drift

And what I wouldn't give to meet a kindred

Enough about me, let's talk about you for a minute

Enough about you, let's talk about life for a while

The conflicts, the craziness and the sound of pretenses

Falling all around...all around

Why are you so petrified of silence

Here can you handle this?

Did you think about your bills, your ex, your deadlines

Or when you think you're gonna die

Or did you long for the next distraction

And all I need know is intellectual intercourse

A soul to dig the hole much deeper

And I have no concept of time other than it is flying

If only I could kill the killer

All I really want is some peace man

a place to find a common ground

And all I really want is a wavelength

All I really want is some comfort

A way to get my hands untied

And all I really want is some justice...

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Condividi su altri siti sono un ragazzo che ascolta un pò di tutto dipende dalla giornata :LOL: ...

di solito verso questa ora ascolto qualcosa tipo Laura Pausini,Anna Tatangelo...musica Made In Italy....

oppure mi carica con qualcosa di dance-techno....o a volte anche rock-heavy....

generi totalmente diversi però...come vi ho detto ascolto un pò di tutto....ù

anche se le canzoni che sono pieni di ricordi direi che sono La solitudine di Laura P. e sempre di laura...è incancellabile...mi fermo quà sennò :D :D

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i discorsi del Duce

dell'Istituto Luce (ora Enel)


Previti e le mie prigioni


Lucio Battisti

e i Giardini di marzo sono già fioriti

Rose rosse per Te ho comportato stasera

e il mio amore è qui per caffè

Fred Buscaglione

Teresa non soap opera con il fucile

Tutti da Gino

a farsi una carbonara

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una musica un po' struggente entra dalla finestra,

è qualcuno che sta suonando un violino

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ascolto il mio cuore

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nel mio cuore ci sono troppe voci...

allora ascolto rod stewart.... (the best of... do you feel what I feel...)

G. rafferty..."city to city"

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ascolto il mio cuore

io il mio cuore non l'ho mai ascoltato

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Aquellos ojos verdes

de mirada serena,

dejaron en mi alma

eterna sed de amar.

De besos y caricias,

de abrazos y ternuras,

y todas las dulzuras

que sabian brindar.

Aquellos ojos verdes,

serenos como un lago,

en cuyas quitas aguas

un dia me mirè...

No saben la tristeza

que en mi han dejado.

Aquellos ojos verdes

que yo nunca besarè.

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Amargura,descansada e triste

- Parece lonjura ou medo?

E' quase certo,

Que nada existe,

Nada està perto,

Nem eu estou triste.

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On the first part of the journey I was looking at all the life

There were plants and birds and rocks and things

There was sand and hills and rain

The first thing I met was a fly with a buzz

And the sky with no clouds

After three days in the desert fun I was looking at a river bed

And the story it told of a river that flowed

Made me sad to think it was dead

You see I've been through the desert on a horse with no name

It felt good to be out of the rain

In the desert you can't remember your name

'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,la,la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,la,la

After nine days I let the horse run free 'cause the desert had turned to sea

There were plants and birds and rocks and things

There was sand and hills and rain

The ocean is a desert with it's life underground

And a perfect disguise above

Under the cities lies a heart made of ground

But the humans will give no love

You see I've been through the desert on a horse with no name

It felt good to be out of the rain

In the desert you can't remember your name

'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

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