Pathological narcissism and neural correlates
Pathological narcissism is associated with reduced cortical thickness and cortical volume in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortexwhich may explain impairments in the regulation of emotion.
Most brain imaging research has revealed that narcissism is related to empathy and emotion regulation, and the specific brain regions involved in empathy and emotion regulation.
However, there has been little research on the brain structural basis of pathological narcissism.
The study, led by Yu Mao of Southwest University in China, investigated the relationship between cortical thickness, cortical volume, and pathological narcissism in a large healthy sample of 176 college students.
All students were scanned using structural magnetic resonance imaging and the data was analyzed to compare the association between brain structure and pathological narcissism scores (measured by the Pathological Narcissism Inventory), adjusting for age, sex, and total brain volume.
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Tags: brain narcissism. empathy. emotion regulation cortical thickness Yu Mao of Southwest University in China