
Articles Tagged ‘brain’

Here’s what happens to your brain when you’re pregnant

It’s a common claim that pregnancy makes you forgetful. But does “pregnancy brain” actually exist?

Pregnant woman by eva eva79There’s no doubt that many changes happen to a woman’s body during pregnancy, but how do these changes affect – or originate in – the brain?

New insights on how cocaine causes wild firing of dopaminergic neurons in the brain

The burst of energy and hyperactivity that comes with a cocaine high is a rather accurate reflection of what’s going on in the brain of its users, finds a study published November 25 in Cell Reports.

Brain image by pitju 702x336Through experiments conducted in rats exposed to cocaine, the researchers mapped out the network of circuits that cause wild firing of neurons that produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter that regulates movement and emotion.

Aging Impacts Brain’s Circadian Rhythm

New research that involved the examination of thousands of genes from nearly 150 human brains shows the circadian rhythm of gene activity changes with aging.

ritmi circadianiThe findings from researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine suggest that a biological clock begins ticking in the older brain.

Dementia plaques attack language center of brain

The research offers additional insight into why this type of dementia causes people to lose the ability to express themselves and understand language

dementia plaquesThe recent ability to peer into the brain of living individuals with a rare type of language dementia, primary progressive aphasia (PPA), provides important new insights into the beginning stages of this disease — which results in language loss — when it is caused by a buildup of a toxic protein found in Alzheimer’s disease.

First language wires brain for later language-learning

You may believe that you have forgotten the Chinese you spoke as a child, but your brain hasn’t.

linguaggio precoceMoreover, that “forgotten” first language may well influence what goes on in your brain when you speak English or French today.

How music, language shape the brain

Northwestern University professor Nina Kraus shed light on one of the brain's most complex tasks -- making sense of sound -- during the recent Falling Walls conference in Berlin

MusicThe annual gathering features significant discoveries or "breakthroughs" by 20 of the world's leading scientists and social leaders across a wide range of fields.

Neurochemical Imbalance Linked with Susceptibility to PTSD

New research finds that an imbalance between two neurochemical systems in the brain is linked to posttraumatic stress disorder with the greater the imbalance, the more serious the symptoms.

news 3Researchers from Uppsala University and the medical university Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, found that people with posttraumatic stress disorder have an imbalance between two neurochemical systems in the brain, serotonin, and substance P.

New depression diagnosis and treatment based on ‘microglia’ cells in the brain

Major depression, which afflicts one in six people at some point in their life, is the leading global cause of disability – surpassing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancer and HIV/AIDS combined.


In a groundbreaking theoretical review paper published in the peer-reviewed journal, Trends in Neurosciences, researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem suggest that “progress in the understanding of the biology of depression has been slow,” requiring expanding beyond the “abnormalities in the functioning of neurons.”

New study reveals key differences in brain activity in people with anorexia nervosa

When people with anorexia nervosa decide what to eat, they engage a part of the brain associated with habitual behavior.anoressia

This finding by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center, New York State Psychiatric Institute, the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, and New York University was published today in Nature Neuroscience.

Pathological narcissism and neural correlates

Pathological narcissism is associated with reduced cortical thickness and cortical volume in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortexwhich may explain impairments in the regulation of emotion.

sinapsi news 2Most brain imaging research has revealed that narcissism is related to empathy and emotion regulation, and the specific brain regions involved in empathy and emotion regulation.

Physical fitness linked to a "fitter" brain: Leg power strongly associated with healthier brain aging

Researchers at King’s College London have found that muscle fitness as measured by power in the legs is strongly associated with an improved rate of ageing in the brain.Man exercising by stroopsmma 702x336

The findings, published in Gerontology, suggest that simple interventions, such as increased levels of walking, targeted to improve leg power in the long term may have an impact on healthy cognitive ageing. The research was funded jointly by the NIHR and the Wellcome Trust.

Proteins produced by gut bacteria may cause misfolding of brain proteins

Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) are all characterized by clumped, misfolded proteins and inflammation in the brain. In more than 90 percent of cases, physicians and scientists do not know what causes these processes to occur.

alzyRobert P. Friedland, M.D., the Mason C. and Mary D. Rudd Endowed Chair and Professor of Neurology at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, and a team of researchers have discovered that these processes may be triggered by proteins made by our gut bacteria (the microbiota).

Researchers find what could be brain’s trigger for binge behavior

Neurons are deeply connected to the tendency to overindulge in response to external triggers, a problem faced by people addicted to food, alcohol and drugs

neuroni e dipendenzaRats that responded to cues for sugar with the speed and excitement of binge-eaters were less motivated for the treat when certain neurons were suppressed, researchers discovered.

Yes brain. Come valorizzare le risorse del bambino

YES BRAINQuando si trovano ad affrontare situazioni sgradite come fare i compiti o andare a dormire, oppure discussioni sul tempo consentito per stare davanti alla TV o al PC, i bambini si fanno prendere spesso dalla rabbia o si chiudono a riccio, adottando un comportamento reattivo.

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I Sondaggi di Psiconline

Ritieni che la tua alimentazione possa influenzare il tuo umore?


Le Risposte dell'Esperto

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Area Professionale

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Modificazioni epigenetiche nei figli di sopravvissuti all’Olocausto I figli di persone traumatizzate hanno un rischio maggiore di sviluppare il disturbo post-t...

Il Protocollo CNOP-MIUR e gli …

di Catello Parmentola CNOP e MIUR hanno firmato nel 2020 un Protocollo d'intesa per il supporto psicologico nelle istituzioni scolastiche. Evento molto positiv...

Come gestire il transfert nega…

Per non soccombere alle proiezioni negative del transfert, lo psicoterapeuta deve conoscere con convinzione ciò che appartiene alla psiche del paziente e ciò ch...

Le parole della Psicologia


Per blesità si intende il difetto di pronuncia provocato da una situazione anomala degli organi della fonazione o dalla loro alterata motilità, con conseguente ...


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“Lo sviluppo delle relazioni oggettuali è un processo mediante il quale la dipendenza infantile dall’oggetto cede a poco a poco il passo ad una dipendenza matur...

News Letters